Lena and the Forest

Here is a little break in the pattern of me blogging. Usually, I'm trying to catch up with my blog from the photoshoots I've done this year. I'm somewhere in the middle of May with my blogs. But the blog I wanted to post this week is being written not by me, but people who were in front of my camera and so, those 2 blogs (because there were 2 people) gonna go up next week (Monday, July 17th) and a week after (Monday, July 24th).

Today's blog is about the newest photoshoot I have done, and again, it is with Lena Luciez (follow her on IG @lenaluciez) while of course a new vlog for her channel.


We went to the forest. Well to the park Angrignon in Montreal. A forest within a city area. Lena, as well as I, feel the most comfortable in the nature. After a fast paced few months, it is nice to feel one with the nature. It is very relaxing, and calming.


Lena truly became one with the trees in this shoot. It shows that for her being in the park, surrounded by the greenery, is definitely feels like home. She is a forest nymph in a way.


Check out Lena's latest video on this (it's in Russian) - https://youtu.be/HSn6olbsT-A
and on IG - http://www.instagram.com/lenaluciez